Get ready for an epic adventure with Batman: Shadow War, a highly anticipated comic book series from DC Comics. This hardcover format book features an incredible cast of characters, including The Hood, Prometheus, Secret Society Deadline, The Demon's Shadow Angel Breaker, Batman (Bruce Wayne), Black Spider, Shrapnel, Clownhunter (Bao Pham), The Flash (Flashback), Trident, Luke Fox (Batwing), Lock-Up, The Hook, Demon's Shadow Angel Breaker, Paul Gambi, Secret Society Raptor, Teen Titans Cyborg, Razorburn, Ghost-Maker (Flashback), Maduvu, Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) (Flashback), Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Phobia, Secret Society Prometheus, Whisper A'daire, League of Shadows (Flashback), Poison Ivy, Sportsmaster, Unnamed Members, Phobia (Flashback), Robin, Other Unnamed Members, Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance), Fake Deathstrokes (Flashback), Slipknot, Deathstroke. Brand New!! Great writing from Williamson. This is one of those books that will be on everyone’s top ten lists for best Batman family events. Great guest star in Deathstroke!